Founder Name: Ms. Priya Pandey
Company Name: Agrifeeder Agricultural Services Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Post-Harvest & Food Technology
Idea: Lemongrass immunity booster
Email: priya.pandey@agrifeeder.com
Mobile No: 7903776811

Founder Name: Ms. Amrita Suhasini Suman
Company Name: Amritattava Nutrition Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Post-Harvest & Food Technology
Idea: Cashew apple all mixed powder
Email: suhasiniamrita@gmail.com
Mobile No: 8300105504

Founder Name: Mr. Awadhesh Dikshit
Company Name: Anand Kanan Agri Tech Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Agriculture Allied Sector
Idea: Agri Rendezvous
Agro Tourism
Email: dixitgbhu@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9807606000

Founder Name: Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Roy
Company Name: Dudh Dhara Pashu Aahar
Focus Area: Waste to Wealth
Idea: Dudh Dhara Pashu Aahar – innovative, low-cost, high nutritional, customized cattle feed
Email: sanjeev03kumar@gmail.com
Mobile No: 7257847447

Founder Name: Mr. Rishabh Rawat
Company Name: Dungtech Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Waste to Wealth
Idea: Efficiently converting raw cow-dung and post-agri waste into high-quality combustible material using inhouse machinery
Email: rishabhrawat35@gmail.com
Mobile No: 8860315520

Founder Name: Mr. Chetan Kashyap
Company Name: Exflair Trade Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Agriculture Allied Sector
Idea: Manufacturing of High Yield Recirculatory Aquaculture Solutions
Email: info@myshaivi.com
Mobile No: 98451 81993

Founder Name: Mr. Shishir Ranjan
Company Name: Farmisto LLP
Focus Area: Agriculture Allied Sector
Idea: FARMISTO – Mobile App based e-Commerce platform for Agri-Input Sales. Business to Customer
Email: rshishir@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile No: 9833219220

Founder Name: Mr. Subodh Shah
Company Name: Frenzy Farm LLP
Focus Area: Agriculture Allied Sector
Idea: Krishisandhi App – open common platform for Seller (farmers) & Buyer (Food Processing Units)
Email: subodhshah112@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9989395527

Founder Name: Mr. Vijay Kumar Gond
Company Name: Gir Organics Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Animal Husbandry & Dairy
Idea: A2 milk production from gir cows and home delivery
Email: 19pgp225@iimrpralumni.ac.in
Mobile No: 6393963610

Founder Name: Ms. Dipti
Company Name: Grihastha Georgic Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Supply Chain & Agriculture Logistics
Idea: Kisan aap ke dwar – Farm to Folk platform to provide supply chain directly to farmers
Email: grihstha@gmail.com
Mobile No: 8935035826

Founder Name: Mr. Sharad Kumar Nirala
Company Name: IndiJan Activated Agrifood Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Post-Harvest & Food Technology
Idea: Creating an integrated tech-enabled online & offline ecosystem by providing- small & marginal farmers’ procurement, primary processing at Farmgate
Email: indijanglobal@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9508482336

Founder Name: Ms. Kamini Singh
Company Name: JVKS Agro Tech Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Post-Harvest & Food Technology
Idea: Moringa based products such as powder, capsules, oil, soap and shampoo, Collaborating with farmers, FPOs for Moringa cultivation
Email: kamini.cish@gmail.com
Mobile No: 8009271230, 8840346183

Founder Name: Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Mishra
Company Name: Kakun Orgainc Agro-Food Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Supply Chain & Agriculture Logistics
Idea: Organic Agri products
Creating platform for selling of organic products from Bundelkhand. Instrumental in training farmers for rain water management and sustainable farming
Email: dharmendrakakun@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9450872823

Founder Name: Mr. Janardan Singh
Company Name: Kashi Organic Natural Product
Focus Area: Post-Harvest & Food Technology
Idea: Nutraceutical way for detoxing of body stones and cysts through innovative ayurvedic way
Email: konaporganicnatural@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9598976439

Founder Name: Mr. Ashok Manwani
Company Name: Manwani’s Innovative Pearl Culture LLP
Focus Area: Agriculture Allied Sector
Idea: Fresh water pearl culture. It can provide secondary income source to framers
Email: indianpearlculture@yahoo.com
Mobile No: 9271282561

Founder Name: Mr. Sisir Chandra Jonna
Company Name: Navariti Innovation Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Precision Farming
Idea: Solar powered and IoT-enabled smart precision farming solutions with smart irrigation based on soil and environmental conditions
Email: sisir@navariti.com
Mobile No: 7382158792

Founder Name: Ms. Mani Upreti
Company Name: Nutritatva Foods Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Post-Harvest & Food Technology
Idea: Healthy snacks using fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts, Collaborating with farmers, FPOs for Agri produces
Email: mani.upreti@nutritatva.com
Mobile No: 9899369527

Founder Name: Ms. Saloni Godbole Tewari
Company Name: Occamy Bioscience Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Animal Husbandry & Dairy
Idea: A range of affordable nutraceuticals supplements that increase the overall per animal production, nutrition quality of animal product and give 40% increased returns to farmers
Email: salonirgodbole@gmail.com
Mobile No: 8097612844

Founder Name: Ms. Maya Vivek
Company Name: Oorvi Sustainable Concepts Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Waste to Wealth
Idea: Contemporary wellness technology manufacturer that employs revitalized floral discards to make products with a substantial well-being quotient. (Holy Waste- Transforming Flowers, Transforming Lives)
Email: maya@oorvi.org
Mobile No: 7893788662

Founder Name: Mr. Sunil Laxman Rathod
Company Name: Rudranjali Innovative Agritech Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Farm Mechanization
Idea: Petrol Operated Sugarcane Cutter, Defoliation Machine and Self Drive Diesel Operated Sprayer
Email: sunilrathod048@gmail.com
Mobile No: 7397902830

Founder Name: Mr. Awani Kumar Shukla
Company Name: Securedot Technohub Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Farm Mechanization
Idea: Fasal Surksha Guard
AI based farm intrusion detection and damage prevention system using geo fencing, bright lights and alarms
Email: jetu.shukla07@gmail.com
Mobile No: 7618991111, 7985788954

Founder Name: Mr. Ram Kumar Rai
Company Name: Shivashraya Agro Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Post-Harvest
Idea: Flax seeds products, green peas and green chili powder
Preservation and processing through renewable energy to get better market price throughout the year
Email: ramkumarrai25@gmail.com
Mobile No: 7753073362, 9415352539

Founder Name: Mr. Satyaprakash Dev Pandey
Company Name: Sonanchal Aroma Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Post-Harvest & Food Technology
Idea: Aromatic oils such as Palmarosa, Lemon Grass and Vetiver Collaborating with farmers, FPOs for aromatic plant cultivation
Email: satyaprakashdevpandey@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9792860001, 9936441058

Founder Name: Dr. Ajay Kumar Khanna
Company Name: Titlis Engg & Projects Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Agriculture Allied Sector
Idea: Smart Solar Tree & Air Water Generator
The combination will create a renewable energy source and water for sustainable agriculture
Email: cto@titlisindia.co.in
Mobile No: 9825416063

Founder Name: Mr. Dharampal Singh Duhoon
Company Name: Unnat Krishi Evam Herbal Technosolutions Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Farm Mechanization
Idea: Equipment for medicinal plant cultivation and processing such as roots digger, Shatavar & Musli peeling & cutting machine
Email: dpsinghduhoon@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9917862313