Founder Name: Mr. Anoop Kumar Devedee
Company Name: AlleloRas Products Industries
Focus Area: Biotechnology and Agri-input
Idea: AlleloRas- Allelopathic herbicides
Email: anoop.dwivedi25@gmail.com
Mobile No: 8726565622

Founder Name: Mr. Gaurav Singh
Company Name: Allywing Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Farm Mechanization
Idea: Pond water pump
No priming is required & high throughput is achieved. Hence reduction in maintenance cost and fuel cost.
Email: dignitygauravsingh@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9889101020, 9559368303

Founder Name: Mr. Nirbhay Khanna
Company Name: CAN Analytics Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Agriculture Allied Sector
Idea: Kissan.co – an interactive platform that connects Farmers with traders, manufacturers, NGOs, banks and financial institutions, SMEs, peers and Govt Agencies
Email: can.advisory@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9918808355

Founder Name: Ms. Debika Mukherjee
Company Name: Divavi Enterprises
Focus Area: Supply Chain & Agriculture Logistics
Idea: A collaborative platform to promote local produce by connecting farmers, FPOs, artisans, weavers and rural entrepreneurs
Email: deveekaa1@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9810839063

Founder Name: Mr. Rohit Madankar
Company Name: DyErase Chemtech LLP
Focus Area: Secondary Agriculture
Idea: DyErase offers eco-friendly solutions for herbicide and pesticide degradation which promotes sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship
Email: info.dyerase@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9404315423

Founder Name: Ms. Megha Saxena
Company Name: Eco Char LLP
Focus Area: Waste to Wealth
Idea: Transformation of pine needle waste in to bio-char and wood vinegar
Email: drmeghasaxena87@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9548685430

Founder Name: Mr. Divyansh Raghuwanshi
Company Name: Fleetblue Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Farm Mechanization
Idea: Mobile App.Operated ColdStorage
Email: divyansh.r.1302@gmail.com
Mobile No: 8130203874

Founder Name: Ms. Moushumi Ghosh
Company Name: FV Plus Agrotech Innovations LLP
Focus Area: Post Harvest
Idea: GuavaProbi– a high-value nutritional supplement comprising of guava powder and probiotic bacterial cultures
Email: mghosh@thapar.edu
Mobile No: 9878249089

Founder Name: Mr. Sumit Saxena
Company Name: HealVenture Biosciences LLP
Focus Area: Biotechnology and Agri-input
Idea: Bio fertilizer, bio pesticides, fish food, poultry food and dog food using green waste
Email: healventurellp@gmail.com
Mobile No: 8851513115

Founder Name: Ms. Reshu Bhardwaj
Company Name: Jalodari Agro LLP
Focus Area: Biotechnology and Agri-input
Idea: Nano herbicides embedded in bio polymer for better weed control
Email: reshu.bhardwaj5@bhu.ac.in
Mobile No: 8210063526

Founder Name: Mr. Mayank Kumar Yadav
Company Name: Kashgro Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Waste to Wealth
Idea: PHOSPO-Cost effective phosphorus based fertilizer from bio degradable municipal waste
Email: mayank.kryadav.rs.cer18@itbhu.ac.in
Mobile No: 7786058389

Founder Name: Mr. Chandra Shekhar Mishra
Company Name: Kashi Organic Care
Focus Area: Post-Harvest
Idea: Ayurvedic supplements – energy booster, organic detergent, Rasahar – extract of various herbal plant. Instant energy booster.
Organic detergent – from bi product of shatavar extract. With this detergent, water can be recycled after washing clothes
Email: kashiorganic@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9935287295, 8004270168

Founder Name: Mr. Janardan Singh
Company Name: Kashi Organic Natural Product
Focus Area: Post-Harvest
Idea: Ayurvedic medicine for kidney stone. Chemical free, aloe vera based products such as juice, jam, gel, hand wash, face wash, shampoo
Email: konaporganic@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9598976439, 8004200000

Founder Name: Ms. Dipshikha Datta
Company Name: Livecow LLP
Focus Area: Agriculture Allied Sector
Idea: Online veterinary vedio consultation and market place
Email: livecowllp@gmail.com
Mobile No: 8388901263

Founder Name: Mr. Arpan Singh Rajput
Company Name: Nathan’s Agro Technology
Focus Area: Agriculture Allied Sector
Idea: Sahayak – AI & ML based mobile app for detection of plant diseases
Email: nathansagrotech@gmail.com
Mobile No: 7999067586

Founder Name: Mr. Shivam Tiwari
Company Name: Natuos Agrilite LLP
Focus Area: Agriculture Allied Sector
Idea: Bio adhesive for ceramic tiles
Email: shivamtiwari.rs.mst17@itbhu.ac.in
Mobile No: 9454884740

Founder Name: Ms. Shipra Sandilya
Company Name: Prabhuti Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Post-Harvest
Idea: Brahmi and Shatavar based cow milk ghee
Email: prabhuticreations@gmail.com
Mobile No: 8601212333

Founder Name: Mr. Pranay Somyajula
Company Name: Prashaar Innovations Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Animal Husbandry & Dairy
Idea: A unique dairy supply chain platform enabled with amalgamation of hardware and software solutions to identify and streamline all the touch points between cattle to consumer
Email: pranay.somyajula@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9956855384, 9845030629

Founder Name: Ms. Nidhi Jha
Company Name: Shrimatagri Biotech Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Waste to Wealth
Idea: BioPot: Triple layered compostable pot made out of combination of agriculture waste, microbial culture, biopolymers
Email: jhanidhi37353@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9905227976

Founder Name: Mr. Kumar Rohit Srivastava
Company Name: Shyama Biotech
Focus Area: Agriculture Allied Sector
Idea: Bio degradable packaging film
Agri waste based bio degradable packaging material, eco-friendly alternative to commonly used plastic bags
Email: krsrivastava6@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9721199199, 7607401669

Founder Name: Mr. Mukesh Kumar Pandey
Company Name: Sikhar Vaidik Krishi Kendra Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Waste to wealth
Idea: Chain of small farmers of vermicompost manufacturer, vegetable and grain producers
Email: mukesh.sikhar@gmail.com
Mobile No: 7007436796

Founder Name: Ms. Ruchika Kuthari
Company Name: Sisource Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Agriculture Allied Sector
Idea:Empowering the supply chain by integrated agri-tech platform
Email: ruchika@jaapenterprises.com
Mobile No: 6002712667

Founder Name: Mr. G V Sukumara
Company Name: Smart Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Farm Mechanization
Idea: “SHASHIRATNA” Solar Agricultural pump without any type of motor
Email: project.prapati@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9444943708

Founder Name: Mr. Sanjeev Kumar
Company Name: TGT Global Development Services Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Waste to Wealth
Idea: Animal feed through urban green waste
Email: thegoattrust@gmail.com
Mobile No: 8601873055

Founder Name: Ms. Nisha Niranjan
Company Name: V N Organics Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Post-Harvest
Idea: Cordycep mushroom products
Medicinal fungus cordycepsmiltaris formulation for diabetes, anti-aging supplements
Email: niranjannisha96@gmail.com
Mobile No: 8878868783

Founder Name: Mr. Vaibhav Pandey
Company Name: Vacera Traders Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Agriculture Allied Sector
Idea: Cold storage material and small boxes
Low cost, portable cold storage boxes for perishable items such as fruits & vegetables
Email: vaibhavpand.rs.cer17@itbhu.ac.in
Mobile No: 6394995677

Founder Name: Ms. Preeti Singh
Company Name: Vasundhara biofibers Pvt. Ltd.
Focus Area: Waste to Wealth
Idea: Biodegradable, compostable packaging and dinnerware made from Kansa grass
Email: preetirathore9935@gmail.com
Mobile No: 8528889576